The new ADP/Moody’s National Employment Report: Over 60% of all new job growth in September 2020 came from Small and Medium-sized Companies!
September 30, 2020
Private sector employment increased by 749,000 jobs from August to September according to the September ADP National Employment Report. Broadly distributed to the public each month, free of charge, the ADP NER is produced by the ADP Research Institute in collaboration with Moody’s Analytics. The report, which is derived from ADP’s actual payroll data, measures the change in total nonfarm private employment each month on a seasonally-adjusted basis.
The matched sample used to develop the ADP National Employment Report® was derived from ADP payroll data, which represents 460,000 U.S. clients employing nearly 26,000,000 workers in the U.S. The August total of jobs added was revised from 428,000 to 481,000.
Total U.S. Nonfarm Private Employment: 749,000
By Company Size
Small businesses: 192,000
1-19 employees 121,000
20-49 employees 71,000
Medium businesses: 259,000
50-499 employees 259,000
Large businesses: 297,000
500-999 employees 75,000
1,000+ employees 222,000
By Sector
Goods-producing: 196,000
Natural resources/mining 7,000
Construction 60,000
Manufacturing 130,000
Service-providing: 552,000
Trade/transportation/utilities 186,000
Information 7,000
Financial activities 29,000
Professional/business services 78,000
Professional/technical services 26,000
Management of companies/enterprises 5,000
Administrative/support services 47,000
Education/health services 90,000
Health care/social assistance 101,000
Education <-11,000>
Leisure/hospitality 92,000
Other services 60,000
Franchise Employment
Franchise Jobs 20,700
“The labor market continues to recover gradually,” said Ahu Yildirmaz, vice president and co-head of the ADP Research Institute. “In September, the majority of sectors and company sizes experienced gains with trade, transportation and utilities; and manufacturing leading the way. However, small businesses continued to demonstrate slower growth.”
(The October 2020 ADP National Employment Report will be released at 8:15 a.m. ET on November 4, 2020.)
Due to the important contribution that small businesses make to economic growth, employment data that is specific to businesses with 49 or fewer employees is reported each month in the ADP Small Business Report®, a subset of the ADP National Employment Report.
September 2020 Small Business Report Highlights
Total Small Business Employment: 192,000
●By Size
►1-19 employees 121,000
►20-49 employees 71,000
●By Sector for 1-49 Employees
►Goods Producing 43,000
►Service Producing 149,000
●By Sector for 1-19 Employees
►Goods Producing 26,000
►Service Producing 95,000
●By Sector for 20-49 Employees
►Goods Producing 17,000
►Service Producing 54,000
In For CandidatesTags Employment Report, Small Business Hiring, Medium sized business hiring, Recruiting, Staffing, Employment